If your water has broken what happens next depends upon the protocols of your doctor or midwife. When amniotic fluid is dry the pattern it makes on the microscope slide looks like a fern plant and is therefore called ferning.
The fluid level reaches its peak by about week 36 of pregnancy when there are about 4 cups of fluid but from then on the amount of fluid slowly decreases.

What does water breaking fluid look like. The color of the fluid when your water breaks is usually clear or pale yellow and the fluid has no smell. If your water has not broken you will be sent home to await the start of labor. The term water breaking refers to the breaking of the amniotic sac which surrounds the fetus and contains amniotic fluid.
Thus if they see ferning your water has broken. When this sac breaks the amniotic fluid is released. While both amniotic fluid and vaginal discharge leukorrhea tend to be odorless the latter is sticky thick and looks like clear or milky white mucus.
Also take care not to confuse water. The other test is to take a small sample of fluid and look at it under a microscope.
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