Seeing blood in the bowl of the toilet when you are using the bathroom the water in the bowl might look like it s been dyed red. Seeing blood on your toilet paper when you wipe.
At other times it may visible on toilet tissue or in the.

What does blood in stool look like in toilet. Usually the color of blood in poop depends on the location of the bleeding and in fact there is a lot that the color of your stool can tell about your health. Sometimes the amount of blood is so small that it can only be detected by a fecal occult test which checks for hidden blood in the stool. Rectal bleeding can be bright red or darker in color.
If there is lots of blood coming from a cancer in the right colon it may no longer look like red blood by the time it reaches the toilet but rather like black tar mixed in with the stool. Noticing dark red black or tarry poop while you are having a bowel movement. Blood in stool usually looks like bright red drops of blood in the toilet bowl or red streaks on stool.
If the cancer is further along in the colon or even in the rectum the blood will still be red smeared along the stool as it hits the toilet or the blood will be mixed in with the stool but still bright red in appearance.
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